FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a warranty for this product?
When you purchase any of our products, you are automatically protected by our Warranty, with a 7-day testing period. If, within this time frame, you are not satisfied with your investment, you can request a refund via our support email (support@craftermind.com ) hassle-free. For more details on Crafter Mind's warranty, please refer to the "Terms of Use" on our website.

**Why should I buy from you?**
We are the official sales channel for our products. Only through this website can you ensure you receive authentic products at your doorstep, protected by our warranty against defects or dissatisfaction.

**Is my purchase secure?**
Yes, our security system is monitored 24/7 and certified by Norton Security. Additionally, your data is encrypted at 256 bits (the same as banks). It's impossible for fraud to occur under your name as no data is stored in our system.

**How can I track my order?**
All products come with internationally valid tracking codes, and you can check all movements directly on our site. Our suppliers (manufacturers of the products) typically take an average of 5 business days to provide the tracking number. If you haven't received it even after this period, simply contact us via email (support@craftermind.com ). To track your order, visit: https://craftermind/pages/track-your-order

Find all the rules and steps for returns on the "Exchanges and Returns" page. If you have difficulty finding this page, simply search for "exchanges."

**What is the delivery time?**
The delivery time for products is 2 to 5 weeks after the shipping date. We send the tracking code within 7 business days after payment confirmation to the email registered during the purchase.

Please note that some products spend a considerable amount of time in Curitiba due to federal customs inspections. Despite potential delays, rest assured your item will arrive.

We work with suppliers from Asia. If you order multiple items, you may receive more than one tracking code, and shipping may occur on different dates.

**Important Information:**
- In cases where the Post Office attempts delivery three times and the product is returned to the sender, we do not take responsibility or offer refunds.
- For incorrect addresses, incomplete addresses, unknown recipients at the delivery location, unknown addresses, recipients who have moved, and the postman not reached, we do not take responsibility or offer refunds. It is the buyer's responsibility to correctly fill in the delivery details as requested by the site.
- Products returned to the sender for the reasons mentioned above can be resent to the customer with the reshipping cost borne by the buyer.
- Due to the distance, the import of a product involves carriers, ports, airports, the Post Office, etc. We cannot expedite delivery or provide an exact delivery date. We work with International Shipping, an economical shipping option with tracking.
- Tracking may take time to update due to the distance. It's normal for it to take 20 days or more for a new update.
- The delivery period of 4 to 12 weeks is an estimated timeframe, and delivery may occur before or after this period, with a maximum of 12 weeks. Note that the majority of imports are delivered within 45 days in Brazil.
- In cases of loss or an item not located in the postal flow, if identified and informed in your tracking code, Crafter Mind Store will send a gift card with the same value as the purchase. This allows you to make a new purchase on our site.
- It is the responsibility of recipients waiting for orders from abroad to access object tracking on the Post Office website and make the payment of the postal dispatch by boleto or credit card to release the delivery. The delivery period starts from the date of payment confirmation.
- All imported products, upon arrival in Brazil, go through customs in Curitiba, where they are inspected by the Brazilian Federal Revenue. They choose which packages will be taxed. The Decree Law 1804/80 on imports ensures that imports up to $100USD (US dollars) cannot be taxed. Most of our products are of low value, coming directly from our suppliers to you.

- All deliveries made from November to February are subject to delays due to the large volume of deliveries by the Post Office during the year-end period.
- Chinese New Year Celebration: starting on February 11 and ending on February 25, all orders placed in our store during this period will experience a delay of 15 days in the delivery period mentioned above.

REMEMBER that when making a purchase on our site, you are AGREEING to all the terms of purchase, return, or exchange on this site, INCLUDING DELIVERY ESTIMATES AND POSSIBLE DELAYS.

Our support will respond via the following email: support@craftermind.com . Additionally, you can send a message directly to this email on the "Contact Us" page.