Terms of Use


The website www.craftermind.com (CNPJ: 37.365.234/0001-42) is an interactive service provided through a web page on the internet that offers products through the integration of various sources of information. Access to www.craftermind.com represents the express and unrestricted acceptance of the terms of use described below. If you do not agree with the terms, please do not access or use this website. Visitors may use this site only for lawful purposes. This space may not be used to publish, send, distribute, or disclose content or information of a defamatory, obscene, or illegal nature, including proprietary information belonging to other individuals or companies, as well as trademarks or information protected by copyrights, without the express authorization of the rights holder. Additionally, visitors may not use the site www.craftermind.com to obtain or disclose personal information, including internet addresses, about site users.

Crafter Mind is committed to maintaining the quality, timeliness, and authenticity of the information on the site, but its creators and contributors are not responsible for any failures in services or inaccuracies in the information provided. Users should not assume that such services and information are free of errors or suitable for their particular objectives. The creators and contributors also do not commit to updating the information and reserve the right to change the conditions of use or prices of the services and products offered on the site at any time.

Access to the site www.craftermind.com is free. The store may create areas of exclusive access for its customers or third parties specifically authorized.

The creators and contributors of Crafter Mind may, at their sole discretion and at any time, modify or deactivate the site, as well as limit, cancel, or suspend its use or access. These Terms of Use may also be changed at any time. Visit this page regularly and consult the then-current Terms. Some provisions of these Terms may be replaced by explicit legal terms or notices located on certain pages of this site.


The documents, information, images, and graphics published on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. In no case will Crafter Mind and/or its respective suppliers be responsible for any direct or indirect damages arising from the inability to use, loss of data or profits resulting from the access and performance of the site, the services offered, or information available on this site. Access to the services, materials, information, and facilities contained in this website does not guarantee their quality.


The materials are provided on this website without any explicit or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no case will Crafter Mind or its contributors be liable for any damages, including loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of information resulting from the use or inability to use the materials. Crafter Mind does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, texts, graphics, links, and other items in the materials. Crafter Mind is not responsible for the content of articles and information published here, as the texts are authored by third parties and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the website.

Crafter Mind is also not responsible for copyright infringement resulting from information, documents, and materials published on this website, committing to remove them as soon as notified of the infringement.


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Crafter Mind may, but is not obligated to, monitor, review, and restrict access to any area on the site where users transmit and exchange information with each other, including but not limited to chat rooms, message centers, or other discussion forums, and may take down or restrict access to any of this information or communications. However, Crafter Mind is not responsible for the content of any information exchanged between users, whether legal or illegal.

By making a purchase, the customer authorizes the use of their data in the acquisition, intermediation, and shipment of material goods.


The sites indicated are not under the control of www.craftermind.com, which is not responsible for the content of any other website indicated or accessed through www.craftermind.com and reserves the right to eliminate any link or redirection to other sites or services. Crafter Mind does not endorse firms or products indicated, accessed, or disclosed through this website, nor the ads published here, reserving the right to publish this warning on its